The purpose of my blog is to inspire,inform and guide you into improving your life and happiness.Our main goal in life is simply to be happy..and yet it eludes most of us.
True joy is inside all of us at all times and yet we look for it outside of us,in material possesions,in other people.The Law of Attraction teaches us how to feel our joy and follow our bliss and when we do that we attract all the good things that we desire.The happiness must come first,allow yourself to feel it.!

Personal Development goes hand in hand with The Law Of Attraction so I will include some articles on that also.What we think affects our feelings,which affects our actions and also affects what we attract into our lives,if we feel good we think good thoughts,make good decisions,take good actions and attract good people.If we feel bad its the opposite,have you ever noticed if you wake up in a bad mood your day goes wrong?
'The Secret'is the most famous teacher of the Law Of Attraction,it truly is a wonderful book and film and it has changed my whole outlook on life.I hope you can make time to watch the video below and start on your own journey to inner joy and peace.

The Secret-A Glimpse!

Friday, 12 March 2010

The Secret Explained

The 'Science Bit'

The Secret says that the Law of Attraction is explained by Quantum Physics.Wait!Don't go,I know that sounds scary but it basically proves that everything is made up of energy,even our thoughts.Also like energy attracts like energy,so basically 'What we think about we bring about'.We literally attract into our lives what we are focusing on whether we want it or not.

Look around you and know,that wealthy people have focused on money,people with happy marriages have focused on their happy marriage,people who love their bodies have focused on what they like about their bodies and lost weight or found even more to like.

If you focus on all that is good about life, and the world and the people that surround you you will receive an abundance of goodness and and good people.  Stop thinking about debt and focus on the money you DO have, be grateful for your home, the food on your table,the clothes that you wear.  If they are not what you want right now appreciate them, be grateful and happy about them and you will receive more. Complaing about what you don't want brings more of what you don't want.

So the lesson is, always focus on what you want,not what you don't want!  Try it, for 3days and see how you feel. Be excited, you are capable of anything! Decide what you want ,have you ever really thought about it?  Or written it down?  That's step one ,think really hard about how you want your life to be and write it down.  Imagine you have it and allow yourself to really feel how that would feel if you had that life right now.
So for the next 3 days monitor your thoughts, if you are thinking a negative thought replace it immediately with a positive one, (that's right,no complaining to anyone, about anyone or anything)not even in your own mind.

This is difficult at first but you will probably be shocked at how many negative thoughts you do have and understand why there are things on your life you are unhappy with.  And when you start replacing those negative thoughts with happy positive ones you will start to feel great!

Dont beat yourself up about it when you are thinking negatively,just let it go and think of something good,something/someone you feel grateful for,something/someone that makes you laugh or even better something you love about you!

That's just a brief outline of The Secret and The Law of Attraction,I will keep posting blogs about the various ways you can get what you want whether it be money,health,wealth,wonderful relationships,losing weight or just feeling great every day.

Please feel free to ask any questions or if you liked this article let me know!

Be kind to yourself today,

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