Everything you need to live according to your true nature and to fulfill your mission on earth is already available to you, in the form of your talents.
Talents are like gifts that you received when you were born. They are to be found within yourself. Some of them have been developed already, others are still waiting to be discovered.
Talents are like gifts that you received when you were born. They are to be found within yourself. Some of them have been developed already, others are still waiting to be discovered.
In any case, if you want to be happy in life, you will have to start expressing your most important talents. These key talents are an essential part of your mission on earth. The very reason you have received them is for you to offer them to others, to use them to help others and this way find satisfaction for yourself.
For your specific life mission, you and your talents and abilities are the very best for those people among whom you were born and other people whose lives you touch.
Nobody else can implement your mission the way you can.
Nobody else can implement your mission the way you can.
These powerful aspects and abilities of yours want to be used.
If not, then you will feel disappointed, tired, burdened, frustrated and irritated.
If not, then you will feel disappointed, tired, burdened, frustrated and irritated.
Every activity, every project requires certain capacities and preferences.
If your job requires certain abilities that you miss, then you will get overloaded.
On the other hand, if your talents are not required for the job you are doing, you will feel resistance and boredom.
If your job requires certain abilities that you miss, then you will get overloaded.
On the other hand, if your talents are not required for the job you are doing, you will feel resistance and boredom.
It is crucially important to know your talents and to create the kind of environment where they can come forward and flourish.
How can you discover your key talents? Here you get some answers.
Take a few minutes to think about yourself. You already possess many abilities, things you accomplish without even thinking about it, without effort. Many things you have learned and mastered are now easily achieved. What talents of yours have been fully activated? These are the talents you use routinely, things you can do easily.
Make a list of everything you can do easily and of every talent and quality you possess already. This list should be long, at least 30 items, but more is better.
Make a list of everything you can do easily and of every talent and quality you possess already. This list should be long, at least 30 items, but more is better.
You have more than your obvious, visible talents. You also have stored talents. These are talents you know you have but you are not using them. The reasons for this are often excuses like "I'm too busy, I don't dare to, I'm not sure if I'm good enough at that, I'm afraid to make a fool of myself, I'm too old to start that now," and so on.
Another reason could be that you fear your life might well take a totally different turn when you start focusing on this talent of yours!
Another reason could be that you fear your life might well take a totally different turn when you start focusing on this talent of yours!
It's possible that you alone are aware of your talent for singing or acting. Maybe you're a writer in disguise. But you're afraid to come forward out of fear. You are afraid that you're not good enough after all, or that you would have to quit your current way of living when you are truly "discovered!"
This long list of your talents contains your key talents. Key talents are qualities that are outstanding, talents you are known for, talents that are are so typical for you that, if one took them away from you, you wouldn't be the same person anymore. What are these talents or qualities? Can it be your enthusiasm, your communication skills, your sensitivity, your organisational talents, your brillant voice, or what? What talents do you have that are such a big part of your identity that your friends cannot image you without them. These are the most visible and out-standing. What are you known for? What would your friends say about you if they had to describe you in just a few words?
These key talents are the core of your mission on earth. This is the purpose of your life : to discover your talents (your Divine Gifts) and to offer them to those who are ment to get in contact with you, in order to make this world a better place to live, to enhance the vibrational energy of this planet and to get back to the Ultimate Energy of Love.
Start to use your talents. Develop them. Make them better. And offer them to the people around you. The reward for you is, by using and offering your talents, that you will feel happy and you will get access to a life of abundance, freedom, enthusiasm and satisfaction!
Ineke Van Lint, psychologist and writer of this article, invites you to grab your free ecourse and quotes about purpose, happiness and success at http://www.theenthusiasm.com a fascinating self-help and personal development website designed to help you find your true purpose and achieve the life of your dreams. |
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