The purpose of my blog is to inspire,inform and guide you into improving your life and happiness.Our main goal in life is simply to be happy..and yet it eludes most of us.
True joy is inside all of us at all times and yet we look for it outside of us,in material possesions,in other people.The Law of Attraction teaches us how to feel our joy and follow our bliss and when we do that we attract all the good things that we desire.The happiness must come first,allow yourself to feel it.!

Personal Development goes hand in hand with The Law Of Attraction so I will include some articles on that also.What we think affects our feelings,which affects our actions and also affects what we attract into our lives,if we feel good we think good thoughts,make good decisions,take good actions and attract good people.If we feel bad its the opposite,have you ever noticed if you wake up in a bad mood your day goes wrong?
'The Secret'is the most famous teacher of the Law Of Attraction,it truly is a wonderful book and film and it has changed my whole outlook on life.I hope you can make time to watch the video below and start on your own journey to inner joy and peace.

The Secret-A Glimpse!

Friday, 12 March 2010

How To Change Your Life-Part Two

Ok,so now you have decided what you want and made a committment to yourself that you will achieve it.

Step 3


If there is doubt in your mind then you must eliminate it immediately as this shows that failure is still an option,and it isn't. 

Our personal beliefs are formed from birth, they are ingrained into us by our parents,family,friends and experiences and create our perception of ourselves.  They affect our thoughts, our feelings,our goals and our relationships and how we feel about ourselves.  We can have positive beliefs and beliefs that hold us back on what we really are capable of.  Our beliefs can give us a ceiling that we believe we cannot break through.

They set out standards for ourselves in our lives.  They dictate what we feel we deserve and consequently what we achieve.  Do you think there are any millionaire who accidently made their money?  No, they believed they deserved it and were willing to accept no less, that doesn't mean their beliefs/standards are as high in other areas of their lives ,eg relationships, health etc.

Our beliefs set our standards,we need to believe that we DESERVE what we are aspiring to have,that we are good enough,that we can do it.
We make excuses to ourselves as to why we can't have it/do it. This stems from our beliefs(and fear,but we'll get to that another time).

There is no reality, only perception.  And your perception is your belief, and you can change your beliefs if you choose to, and then so change your 'reality'.

So, How Do I Change My Beliefs?

Well,your long term ingrained beliefs are embedded in our subconscious mind, we are not even aware of most of them, but I hope that now you are aware of this you will start to indentify some of your own limiting beliefs and then you will be able to change them. You may recognose that you repeat certain patterns in your life, in any area maybe in relationships or with money. These patterns come from negative beliefs we have and you can recognise them by thinking about any repetative bahaviour you may have.  It may be personal relationships, do you look back and feel as though your last few relationships were as is you went out with the same person over and over again? 
 Or do you keep earning money but never seem to have any?  Sit down and write down any limiting beliefs or patterns you can recognise and write down why you may have developed them. 
This may be an uncomfortable excersize but it is worth it as when you have identified them you can replace them with new positive ones.  They are basically negative thoughts we have about ourselves and our lives, but like I said earlier they can come from our subconscious so we need to increase our awareness of what we are really thinking.

Step 4

Changing Your Negative Beliefs Is The Most Powerful Way To Change Your Life

"Whether You Believe You Can Or You Can't You're Probably Right"

Look at your page of limiting beliefs and turn them into positive beliefs,for example:

'Nothing I do is ever good enough'change to 'I can achieve whatever I choose!'

'You Have To Work So Hard And Suffer To Have Money" change to 'Money Flows To Me Frequently and Easily'

"I'm Fat" change to 'I'm a size....and I look Great!'

"All The Good Ones Are Taken" change to 'My perfect partner is out there and I will meet them soon."

"No One Finds Me Attractive."change to "I am beautiful and I attract people who are good for me."

"I'm Tired All Of The Time."change to 'I am always full of energy'

Yes,it does feel strange at first but keep at it and you will retrain your subconscious to belive it and then it will come into fruition.
Changing the thoughts we have and the things we say to ourselves changes the way we feel,behave and take action.It also attracts goods things to us.Positive thoughts attract positive things and negativity breeds negativity.Always make it into a solid positive,the subconscious mind does not recognise the words 'not'and'don't',so dont say'I won't do smoke anymore' say 'I am a non smoker.'Always say(and think)what you DO want and let go of what you don't want.

In summary:
Take whatever you have made a committment to do.

Identify any limiting beliefs you have regarding this goal.You DO have some else you would have it already.

Change that belief into a positive.

Believe that you DESERVE your goal.

Make Today A Day Of Change,

Until Tomorrow,


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