The purpose of my blog is to inspire,inform and guide you into improving your life and happiness.Our main goal in life is simply to be happy..and yet it eludes most of us.
True joy is inside all of us at all times and yet we look for it outside of us,in material possesions,in other people.The Law of Attraction teaches us how to feel our joy and follow our bliss and when we do that we attract all the good things that we desire.The happiness must come first,allow yourself to feel it.!

Personal Development goes hand in hand with The Law Of Attraction so I will include some articles on that also.What we think affects our feelings,which affects our actions and also affects what we attract into our lives,if we feel good we think good thoughts,make good decisions,take good actions and attract good people.If we feel bad its the opposite,have you ever noticed if you wake up in a bad mood your day goes wrong?
'The Secret'is the most famous teacher of the Law Of Attraction,it truly is a wonderful book and film and it has changed my whole outlook on life.I hope you can make time to watch the video below and start on your own journey to inner joy and peace.

The Secret-A Glimpse!

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Feel Great and Lose Weight!

Diets are depressing.This article is named Feel Great And Lose Weight because it really needs to be that way around.If you feel great then losing weight is merely an added bonus that happens when you are not looking.
How many people at this time of year become OBSESSED with losing weight?  Thousands!In actual fact they want to feel great and they think that losing weight will do that, but that’s not necessarily true.Diets are depressing.  Diets make you obsess about food and about scales.  When you tell yourself you can’t have something, you can’t eat that you can’t do that, can’t have that you are depriving yourself of things that give you pleasure, that’s not going to make you feel good is it?  As a result it is on our minds every minute of the day, which makes it even more painful as you want it even more!  We ALL want something when we are told we can’t have it. At the same time we feel like a failure and the months stretch before us, torturing us with the misery of being forbidden the thing that we love-food.  Food is not our enemy, it keeps us alive !  It gives us energy.  The wrong food can make us feel tired and down if we eat too much of it,  that’s not healthy.
So this year, instead of torturing yourself with a diet that  will be short lived and make you feel like a failure why not make a commitment to making yourself feel great instead? And then see the weight fall off!  After all,you want to lose weight to make you feel good so why not feel good anyway?
When we eat healthily we feel great.  Eating healthily doesn’t mean that you are forbidden from eating anything.  It means you eat as much as you need (no more) and you eat foods that are going to benefit your body 80% of the time.  If you feel like having a piece of cake that’s ok!  It isn’t wrong to eat!  But just have one piece of cake, or one bar of chocolate and don’t feel guilty!  Slim people eat cake, and chocolate, they do!  I know, I’ve seen them!
Ask yourself this, what do you really want?
Do you want to be healthy, full of energy, feeling great about yourself?
Or do you want to feel obsessed,depressed and deprived of food you love and probably gaining weight instead of losing it?
Write down how you want to feel.
Did you choose the first option? Ok, good.  Then take a look at my suggestions for you.  Choose which ones you want to do and practice them everyday.  The more you do the better you feel, be committed.  This is a way of life, not a diet.  Your goal is to feel great!
1. Drink 8 glasses of water every day.I   know, you knew this one but it is so important.  Sometimes we eat because we think we are hungry but we are actually thirsty.  This coupled with the fact that fat cells become harder to break down  when we are dehydrated shows how much harder it is to lose weight when we don’t drink enough.  Two reasons we will lose weight easier if we drink lots of water and we feel better too.
Water also flushes toxins out of our body,can cure tension headaches,ease fatigue and clear our skin.
2.  Always,always eat breakfast.Get your metabolism working, you don’t need a lot for breakfast but you do need something.  You will have more energy and burn more calories when your metabolism speeds up.  If you feel more tired after breakfast change what you are eating.  You want to eat foods that make you feel good.
3.  Positive self talk. You are hereby banned from saying anything negative to yourself.  Think about it, what do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror?
Fat?  Disgusting?  Yuk?
You seriously need to change that.  Would you talk to your friend like that?  Or even someone you don’t really like that much?  Then don’t do it to yourself, it’s cruel and hurtful and you deserve better.
Your subconscious mind hears that and believes it.  And it does as its told .It is your subconscious that controls your actions.  If you tell it you are fat it will make you do all the actions to reinforce that because that’s what it thinks you want..You will eat.
Tell yourself, I am beautiful.  I love me just the way I am.  I know it will sound strange and difficult at first but you must start to see yourself in a different light.  Maybe more how the people who love you see you.
Pick out you best features and focus on them.
4. Your thoughts control your feelings.  If you feel sad then its because you are thinking negatively.  What are you focusing on? Change it to something positive, that makes you happy.T  he one thing in your life you CAN control and only you is your thoughts, and seeing as you thoughts control your feelings chose to feel great!
5. Set a goal.  Make it a positive.  Not about losing weight but getting into a size whatever it is.  Don’t make you goal to huge,i t has to be believable for you.  Maybe two dress sizes at a time.  Remember this is about feeling great,imagine yourself in that size…If you focus on losing something that’s a negative.  Or make a goal about work,or finances to boost your self esteem.
6.  Exercise.
Exercise release endorphins and can really make you feel great.  Even just 20 minutes can uplift you and make you feel good about yourself.
7. Smile.
Smile at everyone you come into contact with.  Give compliments and spread kind words and thoughts.  Making other peoples’ day make you feel great!  It has a knock on effect and reduces your stress.  Smiling releases endorphins, reduces blood pressure and can improve your immune system.  It lakes you feel happier!
8.  Don’t fret about little things.  Do they matter really?  Comfort eating is a major cause of obesity.  We all know it is our state of mind (our thoughts and feelings) that prompt us to comfort eat.  Does is not therefore make sense to change the way we feel first? (We don’t comfort eat when we are happy do we?)
So go through your day focusing on all that is positive and good.  Feel joy and gratitude for all that you have.  If someone drives badly let it go over your head, if you partners driving you crazy go have a bubble bath or do something nice for yourself.  Choose to be calm, not stressed.
9. Eat foods which give you energy.
Green leafy vegetables, nuts, yoghurt, eggs, oranges, beans, lentils, dried fruit and seeds.
10.  Eat good fats.  You need to eat fat to burn fat.  Eat oily fish, nuts, seeds and avocados.  Don’t eat to much oily fish if pregnant.  Eat sunflower,rapeseed and olive oils. These fats will help you feel wonderful. These fats will help you feel great and lose weight!
11.  Accept a compliment. If someone pays you a compliment say thankyou and believe it.  They didn’t have to say it, allow yourself to feel good about it.
12. See yourself as a success not a failure.  Take up Yoga, Pilate’s or Meditation.  Any if these activities can help you feel fabulous.  Go to a class with a friend, have fun.
Remember, do all that you can to truly feel great and the weight will go, just focus on the feeling and forget about the weight.


Why You Need To Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone

If you keep doing what you’ve always done you will keep getting what you’ve always got."~W L Bateman
Changing one small thing can change your life forever.
I love this quote above,if you haven’t heard it before it should speak volumes.
Einstein also said that it is a sign of insanity to keep doing the same thing over and over and expect the results to be different.  Most of us aren’t even aware that we are habitually repeating patterns safely inside our comfort zone.  After all, it feels good in there right?  That’s why its called a comfort zone.  The problem is that we are generally unfulfilled there.  If we have hopes,dreams and aspirations for a better life they aren’t going to be in our comfort zone, we know!  We’re already there!
That’s why you need to break out.

If you don’t it will all stay the same.  Is that what you want?  I don’t think so.
Yes,its scary,it can be uncomfortable just thinking about it.
But fear can be used as an inspirational tool.
When we overcome it and we achieve our goal as a result of that, the feeling of achievement is so intense!  It inspires us to break out more.
So the trick is a little at a time.  Focus on your end goal,envisage what that feels like, is it worth feeling the fear?  I am guessing it is.
And as you grow with it so will your confidence and your faith in yourself.
Ask yourself this…What would you do if you KNEW you couldn’t fail?hink about it, let your mind wander.  Did you come up with something new?  Or was it a dream that you have had for a long time but haven’t moved any closer toward achieving?
What small step can you take today to move a little closer to your dream?
Will you do it?  Even if it is scary,just do one small thing.  And then give yourself a pat on the back you are closer today than you were yesterday but not as close as you will be tomorrow.  I often find that when the first small step has been taken it snowballs and you just want to do more.  It is the BIG picture that’s scary.  The little steps are easy,and thankfully  it is the little steps that take you to the reality of your dream.
Think about what you are scared of. Fear of failure,success,what people may say/think of you?
As far as the failure part goes, there is no such thing. You can LEARN that that particular way does not work for you,and then try a different way.The great people of all time didn’t succeed first time round,they just see failure as an opportunity to do it a different way!Look at it as a journey,if you lose your way try a different road.
As for success, it generally doesn’t come overnight so you will have plenty of time to adjust to it on the way, one step at a time.
And what do people know about you?  No one knows what is best for you better than you. You know your dreams, they don’t.  Even of you told them they still wouldn’t see them exactly as you do.  Be proud of who you are, because there is no one in this world like you, show what you are made of and look back on your life and be thankful that you stepped out of your comfort zone and achieved your full worth and made your mark on the world.
Stepping out of your comfort zone can give you the life you always wanted.Write down how you truly want your life to be and focus on it,be positive,and take one small step,today.
“What The Mind Can Conceive It Can Achieve.”
W.Clement Stone

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Step Up Or Step Off

I posted this article because of the inspirational example of a single mum succeeding where others would have given up,or just not attempted in the first place,Jane

As we step into spring, I've been thinking about people stepping up.

There's a lot of it going on around us, it seems, positive signs that even in the toughest economic winters people are as resilient as ever. Of course, that's the nature of "tough times," isn't it? We all have a greater opportunity to overcome, perhaps, to dig a little deeper, to find the heroes in ourselves.

A recent example that sticks out to me is a woman in her mid 40s who graduated at the top of her 2009 class from a college in California. She was valedictorian. The remarkable thing was, she was a single, working mother of 13 kids (8 of them adopted), and she had taken in dozens of foster kids over 25 years as a stay-at-home mom. When asked why she did it, she explained that after her divorce she realized she needed a college degree to get a decent job, and she wanted to inspire her kids. When asked how she did it, she said she just did it. She and the kids all helped each other with chores and homework.

She told interviewers, "You know what... if you want to do it. Just do it. Do it afraid and the courage will come later."

But with every opportunity to step up, like this one, there's also an opportunity to step off, to find a reason to do nothing or take a less heroic path. We always have an opportunity to blame others, to view ourselves as helpless victims, to rationalize excuses for our low expectations or outcomes, to believe that we can't make a difference. We might hear some of these common cop-outs in our own head:

"Everyone else does it." 

"I'm just one person." 

"That's not my job." 

"No one else cares; why should I?" 

"I did my part; those other people dropped the ball." 

"She made the mistake." 

"I don't get the credit I deserve." 

"Life isn't fair."

Let's face it; life isn't always fair. It's often not very fair at all. We have big challenges and bad breaks to overcome on our journey through it. But, we are ultimately defined by how we respond to what life throws at us (and it's been throwing a lot at many of us lately).

Stepping out of this cold winter with a mind to step up a little more might just lead us somewhere warmer and brighter.

Small steps.... We might choose to act with integrity during a tempting moment to do otherwise (even when no one else is watching). We might choose to commit a selfless act during a tempting moment to do otherwise. We might choose to dig a little deeper within ourselves, to light a candle rather than curse the darkness, to do it afraid and let the courage come later.
Happy spring, and happy stepping!

Dave Neal is a senior partner at 4th Street Training, a premiere instructional design group that helps move individuals and organizations to new levels. Learn more at

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

How Do You See Life -Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

This is a phrase we have heard throughout life. An interpretation of this phrase is used to quality a person as an optimist or a pessimist. Does the person see life as more negative than positive thus creating a life that supports this outlook - with life having a more negative spin. The optimist will see life in a more positive light and will have a life that reflects that outlook.
One way to determine how you generally see life is to get a pad of paper and brainstorm the areas of your life that are not great or are challenging. On another page, reflect on all the things in your life that you would embrace as blessings.
A person who has a pessimistic outlook might find it difficult to identify the blessings. Even the simple things that are blessings, such as; waking up, having a warm cup of coffee, having a warm shower, having great children, living in a safe and comfortable home, etc. To a person who is negative, this is not part of their outlook on life because they are so focused on what they do not have versus what they do have.
Negativity is a habit. I believe some people believe it is in a persons' general makeup. I do not agree. I meet people all the time who could perceive life as negative because of the challenges they have faced, yet these people see the good, the blessings, and the possibilities. Instead of focusing on what they do not have they only see what they do have and in doing that they continue to attract more and more.
A negative person is always pushing away all that is available in life. They are people who look for things to complain about and they are also people other people avoid. Unless the other person is a pessimist also. It is very difficult to be around a negative person because you can easily be dragged down by their negative energy.
After you have done the exercise of determining if your glass is half empty or half full, begin to practice seeing life more positively. Look for areas in your life that are truly blessings - we all have them. Stop complaining - start changing. Practice optimism.
Sonja Fullwood, author, life, health, and prosperity coach. Sonja brings a life-time of experience, knowledge, and accomplishments to her coaching business. Sonja is direct in her approach to coaching and holds people accountable for their actions and supports the greatness and potential in everyone. Visit my site at This site is a work in progress - please feel free to visit and comment.

Law of Attraction, Does it Ever Really Work?

I really like this article I found by Jim Gerlits,Jane

I read an article the other day about the Law of Attraction and the author felt that he was not sure that it really worked. When I read that it bothered me that a person could feel that way. The the teachings of the law of attraction are certainly not new. The laws have been thought for centuries. At times these laws are exhilarating in that I can have anything I want in this world and in my life. At other times they seem a bit scary in that when something happens in my life I have to take full responsibility for it and I can't blame some one else.
After thinking about whether or not the laws are real and if they work I did realize how easy it would be to feel that way. If you get up feeling great and happen to listen to the radio or TV there will definitely be something that will bring you down. Be it about the economy, recession or the hate and anger in the world.
After that how do you get out of that place were your mind is filled with stinkin' thinkin'. Especially when your whole life, you have been taught every thing but the law of attraction. So you have a lot of untruths to over come. We spend eighty five percent of our days talking to our selves. How much of that time do we spend monitoring our thoughts. Probably not even a few seconds we talk to ourselves so much that we don't even think about it. We do have a monitor for it though and that is our emotions, when you find your self in the dumps you can be certain that you have not been paying any attention to your thoughts.
Now to get your self back into the thoughts that make you feel good and allow you to be happy and productive again. In some of our teachings we are taught that the only thing real in our world and will stand up to the test of time are things that are true. Although what we are thinking feels true to us they aren't because they can't stand up to time. More than likely you will have forgotten the big problem with in a few days time. Your children or grand children will not remember it or even care about it. So it was not a truth and you are really wasting your time giving it any meaning. It really is much more fun to live a happy and joyous life.
One of the greatest truths is love, if we can live our life with that in our thoughts. Be a loving person in all the parts of our life we would have a life truly, filled with the law of attraction to such an extent we would never want for anything. That would be a dream come true, to be able to accomplish such a love.
I've had for what seems like my whole life, a need to understand myself and the world I live in. That being the situation I've invested many pounds and hours in trying to understand what I'm all about. What I soon realized is that we actually have total control over our lives. Our whole world is actually created in our thoughts. In realizing this it certainly made a difference in the way I looked at life and how I made my decisions. At the same time it gives us the power to actually create the life that we would like to live. How exciting that can be, but it isn't always simple.
The site is My wish for you is to live a limitless life.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Keeping the Spark In Your Relationship

Relationships are wonderful at the beginning.  A euphoric mix of excitement and anticipation wondering where it will lead.  After this initial period things settle down but still the honeymoon period begins.  The time span of the honeymoon period varies depending on the couple and the circumstances, but why does it have to end?

Of course circumstances change, children may appear and you  may not have the time or energy to spend on each other as you once did.  But surely the feelings of the honeymoon period came from within you ,sparked by the other person.  Should we really allow circumstance to change the feeling of our relationships?  Would it really go if we continued to try to make our partner feel loved and special as we once did?

What we really want after all is that feeling of being in love and being loved, surely we can have that through out our relationship if only we put the effort in?  We let other things take over, that may seem important at the time but isn't our relationship our priority?  How would we feel if we lost it?

Our partner is, after all.the same person that we met.  That person that we thought about constantly ,dreamed about, talked about and wanted to be with 24/7.  Remember them?  Granted it can't always be quite like that else we wouldn't get anything else done but surely the feeling of love and adoration should last a lifetime?  We can get bored or frustrated with our relationships and wonder if we could have something more.  We feel empty and unappreciated.

Where does the spark go?  Can you get it back?  Or how do you keep it in the first place?  I believe that there are certain requirements to help us keep it, and,if we really want to, get it back if its gone already.

When you met and it was all dreamy you were focusing on all the good stuff.  When did you stop?  Why did you stop?  Was it gradual?  Did they not live up to your expectations?  Are you being fair?

It is a downward spiral when you start to dwell on another persons imperfections.  Think about why you both felt so wonderful when you met.  Was it because you made each other feel special?  Because you saw all that was good and wonderful and unique about each other?  What would happen if you focused on those things now?

Why don't you try telling your partner what you love about them?  We should do this every day,more than once. We all love to be appreciated.In fact it is a necessity.

A large portion of men who have been unfaithful have said that it wasn't because their mistress was more attractive/intelligent or funny than their wife, it was because they made them feel admired, appreciated and supported.

Being taken for granted is not conducive to a happy relationship.

It doesn't take much effort to say,'I'm so grateful you did this, what would I do without you?'
So if the spark has already gone do you want it back?  Does your partner?

If so then start by focusing on all that is good about them.  Let the rest go.  None of us are perfect and you knew that when you made a commitment to be with this person.

Love them for their faults and they will love you for it.  The Law of Attraction says you get more of what you focus on, the more you appreciate and praise your partner the more they will want to please you.

Men need to be appreciated, supported and admired and trusted.

Women need to be cared for, respected, reassured and understood.  We need loving attention.

We have to recognise the differences between us to understand what the other person needs.  If you fulfil their needs they will be happy.

It takes some effort, no one said it would be easy, but it can be if it becomes second nature. The more you put in the more you get out.

Spend time together.  Turn off the T.V and talk.  Talk about things that don't matter. Have fun, giggle together.  Be daft.  Too much serious will obviously take its toll.

Be affectionate.  Hold hands, cuddle. Don't sit on separate sofas, don't go upstairs to play video games and leave your wife alone downstairs.  BE together.

Be considerate.  Make their life a little easier by helping just a bit more.

Make loving gestures, they don't have to be huge.  A cup of tea in bed, watch what they want on t.v even if you hate it. A bunch of flowers or get up with the kids so they can have a lie in.

Tell them you love them,as much as you feel you can.  Didn't you used to?

Respect each other.  Respect each others feelings, wants, needs, wishes, opinions and space.  Never put them down or play games and avoid making them feel guilty.  Helping them feel better about themselves will have a major effect on your relationship.  Keep your criticism to yourself and don't lay blame.

Smile at each other. Take time to look at them when they walk through the door and smile. Show them you are pleased to see them.

Trust them.  Open up to them and be yourself around them.

Eat you meals together, go to bed at the same time.  Show them that you want to be near them.

Pay them compliments, a compliment goes a long way.

Make love, often.  Make time so you can take your time.  (If this is an issue then it will get easier after you have applied the other tips first I think)

Make time to just BE together.  No kids of family around,just time so you can focus on each other.

Remember, you can't expect someone else to make you happy.  Your happiness is within you.  Make yourself happy and you will be more pleasant to be around.  Happiness is contagious.  Appreciate your partner more and show them love at the same time, then notice the difference.

I know I have made this sound easy and it will be for some of you.  For those of you in a very unhappy relationship just try one thing at first and see what happens. You don't have to tell your partner that you are trying to change, just do what you feel you can, and then one more thing and one more.

I really hope this has made you think and you have a wonderful evening with your loved one tonight,


Friday, 19 March 2010

"If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always got." - W L Bateman

Why You Need To Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone

I love this quote above,if you havn't heard it before it should speak volumes.

Einstein also said that it is a sign of insanity to keep doing the same thing over and over and expect the results to be different.  Most of us aren't even aware that we are habitually repeating patterns safely inside our comfort zone.  After all, it feels good in there right?  That's why its called a comfort zone.  The problem is that we are generally unfulfilled there.  If we have hopes,dreams and aspirations for a better life they aren't going to be in our comfort zone, we know!  We're already there!

That's why you need to break out.

If you don't it will all stay the same.  Is that what you want?  I don't think so.
Yes,its scary,it can be uncomfortable just thinking about it.

But fear can be used as an inspirational tool.

When we overcome it and we achieve our goal as a result of that, the feeling of achievement is so intense!  It inspires us to break out more.
So the trick is a little at a time.  Focus on your end goal,envisage what that feels like, is it worth feeling the fear?  I am guessing it is.
And as you grow with it so will your confidence and your faith in yourself.

Ask yourself this...What would you do if you KNEW you couldn't fail?

Think about it, let your mind wander.  Did you come up with something new?  Or was it a dream that you have had for a long time but havn't moved any closer toward achieving?

What small step can you take today to move a little closer to your dream?

Will you do it?  Even if it is scary,just do one small thing.  And then give yourself a pat on the back you are closer today than you were yesterday but not as close as you will be tomorrow.  I often find that when the first small step has been taken it snowballs and you just want to do more.  It is the BIG picture thats scary.  The little steps are easy,and thankfully  it is the little steps that take you to the reality of your dream.

Think about what you are scared of. Fear of failure,success,what people may say/think of you?

As far as the failure part goes, there is no such thing. You can LEARN that that particular way does not work for you,and then try a different way.The great people of all time didn't suceed first time round,they just see failure as an opportunity to do it a different way!Look at it as a journey,if you lose your way try a different road.

As for success, it generally doesn't come overnight so you will have plenty of time to adjust to it on the way, one step at a time.

And what do people know about you?  No one knows what is best for you better than you. You know your dreams, they don't.  Even of you told them they still wouldn't see them exactly as you do.  Be proud of who you are, because there is no one in this world like you, show what you are made of and look back on your life and be thankful that you stepped out of your comfort zone and achieved your full worth and made your mark on the world.

Stepping out of your comfort zone can give you the life you always wanted.Write down how you truly want your life to be and focus on it,be positive,and take one small step,today.

"What The Mind Can Conceive It Can Achieve."
W.Clement Stone

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Being In The Flow

Being In The Flow

Don't you just love it when everything goes your way? You glide effortlessly through your day feeling light and free, happy and full of energy.  There's a car parking space exactly where you need it to be, you discover more money in your bank account than you thought there would be, you run into an old friend who is thrilled to see you. You see things in a different light, the sunshine on a flower in such vivid colours,t he bright green of grass and the blueness of the sky.  Everything you need comes to you and you are filled with gratitude for the sheer pleasure of life. You feel love and you feel loved. This is my perception of being in 'The Flow.'

Sometimes you can see when other people are in the flow.  I've always loved it when you are driving down the street and you see someone walking alone and they are just smiling to themselves.  I always used to think they must be in love,walking along thinking of someone they just met,or someone they have loved for a long time. Maybe though, it's simply because they are in the flow, feeling so grateful for just being alive and loving it.

Gratitude is after all what puts us in the flow,gratitude,an appreciation of all that we have,and are.

When we feel truly grateful it evokes positive emotions within us.  Gratitude couples with positive emotion attracts to us more things to be grateful for and more positivity!  What a wonderful cycle to be in!
Another great aspect to being in the flow is that, due to our lack of stress, calmness and oneness we are able to think clearly, make better decisions and have more faith in ourselves to succeed at whatever it is that we are doing.  Our minds are open to change, for learning, understanding.  We feel strong and capable of feeling our best.
We eminate love and this affects everyone around us. They benefit from our energy, it is difficult to complain and be miserable around someone so joyful,we lift them up...which makes us feel even better.

Whilst in flow it is an ideal opportunity to focus on our dreams,our goals.The Law of Attraction states that the combination of gratitude, strong emotions and focus on that which we desire will attract that very thing to us.  Practising gratitude daily and consistently makes us focus on what we do have and focus less on what we don't have or don't want.

The opposite of 'The Flow' is when you feel stuck in a cycle of difficulty ,discomfort and negativity...You are stressed out, busy rushing eveywhere. There is not enough of you to go around. You feel guilty, you feel unworthy and things just seem against you.  Sound familiar?  Its so frustrating,things just keep going wrong, the harder you try the harder it gets.

Nothing fulfills you and even when you stop and try to relax it feels boring.  You star saying things like, if only I had this it would all be ok, if I could do that.  If only I lost weight, I had more money,met my perfect partner. You are disatisfied with life and overwhelmed.

We search for comfort in other things, maybe out addictions,food, shopping, alcohol. etc.Of course this doesn't work it merely compounds the guilt.

So, how do you get back to the flow if you're stuck fast?  The good news is your mood can change in a second and so, therefore can your feelings.

So try these:

Be Grateful!

Put on you favourite piece of uplifting music,and dance! Motion creates emotion.

Write down all that you love about your life,and about you.

Do something that brings you joy.


Read my article 'Happy Habits'do you habits daily.

Be present,right here,right now is it really that bad?Or are you worrying about something that hasn't happened yet and may never happen?

Remember-"This too shall pass."


Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Happy Habits!

Happy habits are things we can develop to use daily in a bid to replace the negative ones that we have spent our lifetimes perfecting.

We all have these negative beliefs,we believe them because we say them to ourselves regularly.Whether its about our finances,job,family,friends,or the way we look, we can ruin our day by believing these negative thoughts.

Wouldn't you rather have a day full of joy?

Being so happy for all that you have?

And when we focus on gratitude and the things we love we attract more of those things,and with them positive happy people,happy situations and more things to LOVE!!

It's a choice really.

So I have come up with a few happy habits to help you brighten your day and fill it with joy instead of complaints.Here goes:

1. Set your alarm so that you have ten/fifteen minutes to spare before you have to get out of bed.(seriously,rushing as soon as you get up is no way to start the day,you can't be grateful whilst you are rushing,sorry)

2. When you open your eyes start to think of all that you have to be grateful for.Feel the love for those things/people and really feel grateful.Say thankyou.

3. Think of your day ahead,and imagine it going exactly the way you want it to go.

Imagine it flowing naturally,everything is on your side,tell yourself 'Everything that is good is coming my way today.'

4. Have a really good stretch,and take a deep breath

5. Smile!Smiling releases endorphins,natural painkillers and endorphins,in other words it cheers you up!Smile at as many people as you can,it makes them smile too!(well sometimes!:-))

6. Give some loving attention to those you love.Hug you kids,smile at your family,tell them you love them.Their happiness will lift you up no end.If you know they feel loved then you will feel great about yourself.

7. Give compliments.We all love them and it feels great to make someone elses day.

8. Exercise.I struggle with this one but it really worth the push.If your feeling lethargic,bored stuck in a rut or always tired a good half hour of exercise really does make you feel like a new person.

9. Write down a goal and take the first step towards achieving it.

10. Think about what negative words you say to yourself regularly and change it to a positive.

11.Be kind to yourself,speak kind words,think kind thoughts and do kind things for you.,and the people around you will benefit from having a happier,stronger,more focused you!

12. Everything happens for a good reason,so if something doesn't go thw ay you wanted it too,know that something better is in store.


Quick Checklist For Manifesting Your Dreams with The Law Of Attraction

There is a great deal of information out there for manifesting with The Law of Attraction so I thought I would write you a quick it is.

Make a committment,a promise to yourself that you will follow these steps each day to manifest your dream.

Decide what you want-be specific.

Believe you can have it.

Believe you deserve it.

Believe it's possible for you.

Close you eyes every day and visualise what you want,feel it and see it as vividly as if you can touch it.

Feel the feelings as if you already have it.

Open your eyes and be truly grateful for all that you have already.Really love that feeling of gratitude.

Release these feelings and desires and have complete and utter faith that the Universe will provide them to you and that whatever you need will come to you.

Remember,you don't have to figure out How you are going to get what it is that you desire,you must focus ONLY on the end result.You will attract the right idea,opportunity,it will come to you.

Take action.
You can't sit on the sofa all day and wait for your dream to appear.Get out there,do what feels right,trust your good instincts and keep absolute unwavering faith that you dream WILL come true.

Just do it,because you can,


Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Are You Living Your Life With the "Attitude of Gratitude?"

I'm going to start this article by asking you a very simple question...what was the first thought you had when you woke up this morning? I've heard the following responses when asked that question during my Seminars and Workshops...

"where's the snooze button?"

"do I really have to get up?"

"not another day of work!"

"here we go again..."

I find it very interesting when I ask that question, the majority of people have a...well, what I would refer to as a 'de-motivational' thought! I'm sure you've heard the saying "starting off on the right foot" or "I got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning". Is this really the way 'you' want to start your day?

Hypothetically speaking, let's imagine that we're all going to Hawaii tomorrow morning! Woo Hooo!!! And our plane leaves at 7am. Therefore, we need to be at the airport 2 hours prior for check in. So, we need to be at the Airport by 5am. Since we live 1 hour from the Airport, we need to be out of our house and driving by 4am. Now, since we are all very proactive, we packed the night before so we're able to wake up by 3am in the morning.

Let me ask you this...are you going to have any problem waking up?! I venture to guess that your answer would be 'no' (I know this because I'd have absolutely no problem waking up!).

So, why is that? Why would you jump out of bed ready for the day?! You're correct if you said because your excited or if you have something to wake up for!

Let's add a little perspective to the example above. A friend of mine, after returning from a visit to see her parents in Ghana Africa, said to me..."Paul, it was great to see my family and friends. Yet, it is so good to be back home as I'm so grateful for running water."Running Water." Imagine that?! She is so grateful to be living in a country that has running water!!!

So, I recommend that instead of waking up and dreading the thought of having to get ready for work..think about waking up with the "Attitude of Gratitude!" Because I'm sure you know someone or of someone that is waking up wondering if they'll find work that day, how they're going to feed their family or the ever climbing mountain of bills that need to be paid?

Here's a quick and easy way to getting into the habit of waking up instantly with an Attitude of Gratitude that I would suggest.

Steps to 'triggering' an Attitude of Gratitude.

Take a post-it note or a small piece of paper
Write the words 'Attitude of Gratitude' on the piece of paper
While holding onto the paper with the words on it, close your eyes and think about a time when you were truely and undoubtedly grateful for something in your life.
Remember the time and place vividly, remember how clear the memory appears. What did you see? Was it totally in focus? Was it dim or brightly coloured? Far or close to you in proximity?
What sounds do you remember? Were the sounds or voices clear, loud or quite? What were you thinking? Were your thought processes quick or slow? What specific words do you remember saying or hearing?
Now feel all your feelings of gratitude that you had at that moment in time. Notice now, where they emit from within your body. Are the feelings 'warm' in nature? Isn't it interesting to notice how if you 'spin' the feelings faster and make them larger you start to feel even more grateful! Now, just allow those feelings to fill and spread throughout your body up to your head and all the way down to your toes.
Open your eyes and look at the piece of paper knowing that anytime in the days, weeks and months to come these feelings of Gratitude are available to you.
Last step. Place this piece of paper by your alarm clock beside your bed. I recommend this so that when you roll over, first thing in the morning, you're going to see this 'reminder' of how grateful you really should be. Thus, starting your day off a life with the "Attitude of Gratitude".
I'm sure that you'll find this process both easy and helpful. Please let me know how you like this process? For more info check out this website!

Why You Need a Positive Attitude to Achieve Success

A major part of being successful involves being positive. Thinking of success and picturing yourself as being successful builds up your self-confidence - and this confidence combines with positive thought to succeed at whatever you want to accomplish and get the absolute most out of your life. The most critical key to success is maintaining the belief that you have the ability to accomplish any goal to you set out to do.

Our every thought shapes how we feel about something, and each thought contributes to our behaviour and hence the outcome of any given situation. So, if we go into any situation thinking negatively, the outcome will be far different than if we'd gone in thinking more positively. How we think about ourselves as well as our internal self talk determines how successful we will be. And by talking to ourselves more positively, and thinking more positively in general, better outcomes are destined to arise from the situations we enter. Unfortunately, those negative self-limiting thoughts lead us to most of our failures. As we allow negativity to creep into our minds and take over, we increasingly believe we just won't be able to succeed.

So you can see that, to change the circumstances of our lives, or just the outcome of any given situation, what we need to change is how we think, which repaints our outlook to a different, sunnier shade - and a sunnier shade tends to be the dawn of a better day.

Success isn't something belonging only to an elite club who possess some magical key not availed to the rest of us. The power of success resides in everyone, so long as we realize this and genuinely have the belief that we're able to be successful. When we begin to alter our formerly-negative ways of thinking, and take a positive approach to our lives, we begin to gradually reshape our lives in the direction we want them to go.

An excellent way to change your personal thought patterns is through the use of affirmations. These are nothing more than statements that are tailored to a situation or task in which you want to be successful. You repeat them often during the day (either silently or out loud), and retrain your mind to become more positive. And as you begin to think successfully, you will become a more successful person in any and every area of your life.

Pop over to and claim your free hypnosis recording to help you achieve success and accomplish your goals.

Friday, 12 March 2010

Greatest Inspirational Video

Our Deepest Fear

A Speech By Nelson Mandela

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light ,not our darkness that frightens us.

We ask ourselves,who am I to be gorgeous,talented,fabulous?  Actually who are you not to be?  You are a child of God.  Your playing small does not serve the world.  There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure about you

.We were all meant to shine, as children do.  We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.  It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine we give others permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

How to Build Self-Discipline Fast - The Key to Success

Napoleon Hill once also said that "all things are possible" with self-discipline and after spending a lifetime studying successful people he knows what he's talking about.  So if you're struggling to achieve your goals here's how to increase your level of self-discipline and start achieving the things you want in life...
Moods, Appetites and Passions

Self-discipline is the ability to get yourself to take action regardless of your emotional state.   As Stephen R. Covey once wrote, "the undisciplined are slaves to moods, appetites and passions", and without self-discipline the knowledge, skill or opportunity you have is likely to be of little or no use.  Put it this way, if you're trying to lose weight there's no point in knowing all the right and wrong things to eat and the most effective exercise regimes if you have no self-discipline to put them into action!
So how can you increase your level of self-discipline?  In this 3-part series I'm going to take you through the key steps to increasing your level of self-discipline so that you can start taking action regardless of how you feel.
Step 1:  Self-Knowledge 
Discipline is about doing what is best for yourself regardless of how you feel in the moment, so it's important to have a clear sense of self-knowledge and awareness in order to practice self-discipline effectively.
To do this you need to decide what behaviour is required to achieve your goals and values.  The first step for most people in doing this is to spend some quality time analysing what your goals and values actually are.
Regarding values, these are the emotional states you would like to experience on a consistent basis and your list of values reflects the one's you WANT in your life rather than the ones you think you SHOULD have.  As most of my clients will tell you, values are far more complex than a short list of words that roll off the end of your tongue, so if you'd like to know more about how to determine your values simply send me an email.
I highly recommend taking the time to get clear on what your goals, dreams and ambitions are, and the values that are important to you - this crucial information provides the backbone to determining what needs to be done in order to achieve your goals and therefore where you need to apply self-discipline.
Step 2:  Commitment
I'm sure it comes as no surprise that it's not enough to simply write out your goals and values, you need to be committed to achieving them.  If you're not committed you won't see any problem with "having another drink", "hitting the snooze button one more time" or  "popping out for that last cigarette" .... you get the drift!
Planning helps increase commitment because it allows you to focus on what's really important and ensure that relevant tasks becomes part of your day allowing you to move closer to achieving your goals.  Put bluntly, people don't generally get what they want by ambling through life, hoping, wishing and waiting - it takes commitment and organisation to get there.
If you struggle with commitment, start by making a conscious decision to do what you say you're going to do, and plan a specific time in your schedule to get it done.  Give that time the same respect you would a client meeting, and keep track of how often you follow-through with your commitments.  Remember - what gets measured gets improved!

5 Fun & Easy Ways to Get Out of the Rut

I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel less than great. Low, grouchy, fed-up and bored are all words you could use to describe what I'm like on those days. Thing is, days like those are part of the deal with being human - it's not an elective. There will always be off days, and that's okay.
But what happens when you get a whole string of those off-days, maybe lasting weeks, months or even years?

 Too many of us say that we're in some kind of rut, feel stuck, fed-up or bored and admit that we don't want things to be that way but that we don't know what to do to change things. That's the problem, when you're in a rut you don't have the energy or motivation to change things for the better, and it's tough to find the insight or resources you need to make that jump.

Here are five fun and easy ways you can use right now to climb, or better yet, leap out of the rut and start to get something better for yourself.

1. Do Something Differently

Life tends to run smoothly when we establish systems and routines for things, but the problem comes when things run too smoothly and we become blinded to any ideas, choices or that sit outside of our routine. All the stuff we do everyday becomes the norm, runs on auto-pilot and becomes our whole world.
Start with making one or two simple changes to your day - be it at breakfast time, your radio station, gym routine, route to work, lunch routine, etc. Don't worry about what the changes are or whether they're right or wrong, just make a couple of simple choices that will serve you well.
Doing something differently or changing parts of your routine instantly takes you out of the norm and allows you to shake off the things that make you feel confined. Step out of your routine and you'll be in a position where you're able to make different choices, see things differently and get a different result.

2. Use your Intuition

Your intuition is a powerful ally, and we all have it even though you might not recognise it. The dictionary says that intuition is,
1.a.The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition. b. Knowledge gained by the use of this faculty; a perceptive insight.
2. A sense of something not evident or deducible; an impression.
One of the best friends you'll ever have in life is your intuition, and tuning into it and learning to trust it is something that can have some truly remarkable effects. Accessing your intuition is a bit like working and developing a muscle, but unfortunately it can be harder to locate than a bicep or quadricep, which tend to stay in the same place. Here are some quick tips for accessing and trusting it -
o Practice maintaining an open-minded, playful, experimental, non-judgmental attitude. This is the most fertile ground to tap into your intuition.
o Practice making wild guesses in your everyday life. Guess what a salesperson's name is, what a new person or place will look like or who's calling on the phone. Don't worry about getting it wrong, you're just working that muscle.
o Try a few simple observation exercises in your daily life. Whether you're in a restaurant, on a train, in a bar or out shopping, practice noticing non-verbal behavior in others. Look for shifts in posture, eye movements, vocal tone or tempo, etc. Guess how they're feeling or what they're talking about.

3. Nourishment

Imagine you're walking home from the supermarket with a couple of bags of groceries, but those bags have holes in them. You're walking along merrily leaving a trail of your things behind you, but when you get home you unpack what's left and ask, 'Didn't I have more than this?'
Nourishment is about plugging those holes in your life and making sure you have things in your life that keep you feeling nourished - nourished in your head, nourished in your heart and nourished in your stomach. Remember that you can't give away what you don't have, and can't spend energy you've already spent.
It doesn't have to be the big things in life that nourish you and it's often the simplest little thing that strikes a chord, makes you feel like yourself again or makes you smile from ear to ear - calling a friend, talking a walk in the park or listening to your favourite song for example. So what keeps you balanced? What relaxes you or makes you feel peaceful? What makes you feel like you again?
The fact is that you're important enough to spend time taking care of and it doesn't matter what it is, just take the time to do it. If necessary, go as far as booking time in your diary. You're the only one of you there is, so it's your responsibility to make sure you're okay.

4. Perfect Day

Here's something to play with - your Perfect Day. This idea came to me a few years ago when a good friend suddenly asked me 'What would be your perfect day?' I'd never been asked that before and I found myself spontaneously making up a story - telling her about my Perfect Day from the moment my eyes flickered open to the moment my head hit the pillow.

I went through each part of the day telling her what I was doing, who I was with, where we were, how it felt and what happened next. Bit by bit and without even thinking about it, I'd put together a rich, colourful, exciting and comforting day, which still holds true as my Perfect Day. The best part is that you can start introducing little bits of your Perfect Day into your real life or working to make some of it happen. For example, in part of my Perfect Day I visit a company where I'm helping the directors and employees to focus on their strengths and to create a environment where people love to work and can be their best - and that was even before I knew that there was such a thing as coaching or that I could be a coach.

 My Perfect Day has now become like a good friend of mine who I can call on whenever I want to.

So what's your Perfect Day? Don't think too much about it and don't worry about it sounding silly or too grand. Just shoot from the hip and see what comes out naturally for you. Write down words, ideas, themes or a whole narrative - even draw pictures if you want to. Have fun with it, play with it - it's your Perfect Day.

5. Get Some Fun, Fulfillment and Freedom

The Three F's - Fun, Fulfillment and Freedom - encompass a lot of what people are looking for in life, and also contain the solutions to having, doing and being those things. Here are some definitions,

Fun, n. - A source of enjoyment or pleasure; playful activity.
Ful-fil'ment, n. - To bring into actuality; to complete; a feeling of satisfaction at having achieved your desires.
Free-dom, n. - The capacity to exercise choice, free will; frankness or boldness; the absence of constraint in choice or action.
Read those again. Those things are huge, deep and broad, and are a lot simpler than we make them.

Where are you in relation to each of the Three F's? How much of each do you have right now? How much of each do you want? Whatever gap there is recognise that it can be closed, and that you can close it.
What would things be like if you were to close that gap?
What would happen if you climbed a point or two on the Fun scale?
What if you could add a point to your level of Fulfilment or Freedom?

How would that feel? Pretty good, right? So what one thing can you do right now to help you get more?

By themselves each of the Three F's is a powerful thing, and can really help to move you forwards, enjoy where you are and feel alive. But when the Three F's come together....well, just hold on to your hats and keys.

Rut? What rut?

Check out this great website

Atonement And Forgiveness

I believe that forgiveness is absolutely essential to happiness and inner peace.Resentment and anger can eat away at us for years and cause us much damage which is why I am posting this article written by Derek Ayre.Please read it carefully,


Atonement, if split into syllables, becomes at-one-ment. Most people in the self-development movement today accept that in order to improve the quality of life, a person first of all needs to focus on his/her problems and/or conflicts to resolve them - in other words, to become at one with them - atonement. In fact, the more somebody can merge with their difficulty, the more successful they will become at dealing with it and can realise atonement. To look at it from a religious point of view, atonement I feel, is not a lot different to looking at it from a psychological point of view, and atonement would indeed, have the same beneficial result.

For example, say somebody was angry and feeling vindictive against somebody who had wronged him/her in some way, whom is that anger going to hurt?
Well, not the person to whom the anger is directed, that's for certain. The person creating the anger, the person creating the vengeful thoughts and other things is going to suffer the most. Yet forgiveness (that is really letting go) of thoughts of retribution and even judgment, will produce real feelings of well-being and freedom and allow the person to move on and realise atonement.
Forgiveness is not something that can be taught, but it's very easy to do. 

All that is required is a willingness to forgive others for what we believe they have done to us. In fact, I could go a step further than that and say that ALL that is needed, is a willingness to forgive others for what we thinkthey have done to us.

To qualify that last statement, whether or not somebody else has done something to us is really irrelevant. Whether they have or whether they haven't it's us thinking they have done something to us, that hurts us. By thinking in this way, we arecreating the scenario that we have been wronged and making ourselves into victims whom our "enemies" have power over us, whether or not they know it. See how complex this is getting?

There is another way we can play the victim too. That is we can blame ourselves for things that go wrong. In this scenario, we are attempting to split ourselves up into perpetrator and victim. We make a mistake and lose out on something. We blame ourselves for our stupidity. Just one question needed here... "Am I willing to forgive myself for what has gone wrong?" Just the willingness to forgive is enough. We need to be aware of our "mistake" and focus on it. By doing this, we are forgiving it, we are releasing it.

There's one problem that can arise here though and that is that many of us do not wish to focus on our shortcomings and there's a risk that they can be repressed into the subconscious mind to exert force on our subsequent thought processes.
And what about becoming a victim of what others are doing to others. How many of us get filled with rage and anger at man's inhumanity to man. That's a judgement that needs our forgiveness too.

I feel that what we need to realise here is that this form of behaviour is something that is as old as Man himself. Blaming and seeking retribution has only brought about more wanton destruction in the form of wars and conflicts.


What if men and women everywhere just merely contemplated the opportunity to forgive? What if they realised that by forgiving (self or others), that they would find the peace and liberation of atonement? What if they could read this message and put it into practice? What sort of world would we then live in? I will leave you to imagine the answers to these questions.
As mentioned earlier, my idea with this article is not intended to foster any particular religious belief in any way, but I think you will find that if you examine any religion, forgiveness is the fundamental idea the original teacher was putting across. And forgiveness was the road to stress-free life that atonement would bring.

Derek Ayre is a registered hypnotherapist established in the UK in 1976. After becoming a Zen practitioner in 1980, he uses its powerful influence to help his clients both on and off-line. For more articles on therapy and personal development visit

Discover Your Talents And Be Happy

Everything you need to live according to your true nature and to fulfill your mission on earth is already available to you, in the form of your talents.
Talents are like gifts that you received when you were born. They are to be found within yourself. Some of them have been developed already, others are still waiting to be discovered.
In any case, if you want to be happy in life, you will have to start expressing your most important talents. These key talents are an essential part of your mission on earth. The very reason you have received them is for you to offer them to others, to use them to help others and this way find satisfaction for yourself.
For your specific life mission, you and your talents and abilities are the very best for those people among whom you were born and other people whose lives you touch.
Nobody else can implement your mission the way you can.
These powerful aspects and abilities of yours want to be used.
If not, then you will feel disappointed, tired, burdened, frustrated and irritated.
Every activity, every project requires certain capacities and preferences.
If your job requires certain abilities that you miss, then you will get overloaded.
On the other hand, if your talents are not required for the job you are doing, you will feel resistance and boredom.
It is crucially important to know your talents and to create the kind of environment where they can come forward and flourish.
How can you discover your key talents? Here you get some answers.
Take a few minutes to think about yourself. You already possess many abilities, things you accomplish without even thinking about it, without effort. Many things you have learned and mastered are now easily achieved. What talents of yours have been fully activated? These are the talents you use routinely, things you can do easily.
Make a list of everything you can do easily and of every talent and quality you possess already. This list should be long, at least 30 items, but more is better.
You have more than your obvious, visible talents. You also have stored talents. These are talents you know you have but you are not using them. The reasons for this are often excuses like "I'm too busy, I don't dare to, I'm not sure if I'm good enough at that, I'm afraid to make a fool of myself, I'm too old to start that now," and so on.
Another reason could be that you fear your life might well take a totally different turn when you start focusing on this talent of yours!
It's possible that you alone are aware of your talent for singing or acting. Maybe you're a writer in disguise. But you're afraid to come forward out of fear. You are afraid that you're not good enough after all, or that you would have to quit your current way of living when you are truly "discovered!"
This long list of your talents contains your key talents. Key talents are qualities that are outstanding, talents you are known for, talents that are are so typical for you that, if one took them away from you, you wouldn't be the same person anymore. What are these talents or qualities? Can it be your enthusiasm, your communication skills, your sensitivity, your organisational talents, your brillant voice, or what? What talents do you have that are such a big part of your identity that your friends cannot image you without them. These are the most visible and out-standing. What are you known for? What would your friends say about you if they had to describe you in just a few words?
These key talents are the core of your mission on earth. This is the purpose of your life : to discover your talents (your Divine Gifts) and to offer them to those who are ment to get in contact with you, in order to make this world a better place to live, to enhance the vibrational energy of this planet and to get back to the Ultimate Energy of Love.
Start to use your talents. Develop them. Make them better. And offer them to the people around you. The reward for you is, by using and offering your talents, that you will feel happy and you will get access to a life of abundance, freedom, enthusiasm and satisfaction!
Ineke Van Lint, psychologist and writer of this article, invites you to grab your free ecourse and quotes about purpose, happiness and success at a fascinating self-help and personal development website designed to help you find your true purpose and achieve the life of your dreams.

The Secret Explained

The 'Science Bit'

The Secret says that the Law of Attraction is explained by Quantum Physics.Wait!Don't go,I know that sounds scary but it basically proves that everything is made up of energy,even our thoughts.Also like energy attracts like energy,so basically 'What we think about we bring about'.We literally attract into our lives what we are focusing on whether we want it or not.

Look around you and know,that wealthy people have focused on money,people with happy marriages have focused on their happy marriage,people who love their bodies have focused on what they like about their bodies and lost weight or found even more to like.

If you focus on all that is good about life, and the world and the people that surround you you will receive an abundance of goodness and and good people.  Stop thinking about debt and focus on the money you DO have, be grateful for your home, the food on your table,the clothes that you wear.  If they are not what you want right now appreciate them, be grateful and happy about them and you will receive more. Complaing about what you don't want brings more of what you don't want.

So the lesson is, always focus on what you want,not what you don't want!  Try it, for 3days and see how you feel. Be excited, you are capable of anything! Decide what you want ,have you ever really thought about it?  Or written it down?  That's step one ,think really hard about how you want your life to be and write it down.  Imagine you have it and allow yourself to really feel how that would feel if you had that life right now.
So for the next 3 days monitor your thoughts, if you are thinking a negative thought replace it immediately with a positive one, (that's right,no complaining to anyone, about anyone or anything)not even in your own mind.

This is difficult at first but you will probably be shocked at how many negative thoughts you do have and understand why there are things on your life you are unhappy with.  And when you start replacing those negative thoughts with happy positive ones you will start to feel great!

Dont beat yourself up about it when you are thinking negatively,just let it go and think of something good,something/someone you feel grateful for,something/someone that makes you laugh or even better something you love about you!

That's just a brief outline of The Secret and The Law of Attraction,I will keep posting blogs about the various ways you can get what you want whether it be money,health,wealth,wonderful relationships,losing weight or just feeling great every day.

Please feel free to ask any questions or if you liked this article let me know!

Be kind to yourself today,