The purpose of my blog is to inspire,inform and guide you into improving your life and happiness.Our main goal in life is simply to be happy..and yet it eludes most of us.
True joy is inside all of us at all times and yet we look for it outside of us,in material possesions,in other people.The Law of Attraction teaches us how to feel our joy and follow our bliss and when we do that we attract all the good things that we desire.The happiness must come first,allow yourself to feel it.!

Personal Development goes hand in hand with The Law Of Attraction so I will include some articles on that also.What we think affects our feelings,which affects our actions and also affects what we attract into our lives,if we feel good we think good thoughts,make good decisions,take good actions and attract good people.If we feel bad its the opposite,have you ever noticed if you wake up in a bad mood your day goes wrong?
'The Secret'is the most famous teacher of the Law Of Attraction,it truly is a wonderful book and film and it has changed my whole outlook on life.I hope you can make time to watch the video below and start on your own journey to inner joy and peace.

The Secret-A Glimpse!

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

How to Manage Your Emotions and Energy

This is an intermediate to advanced discussion on the Law of Attraction. It's very important to understand the role of your emotions in the attraction process. Let's take the example of a garden hose. When you have the water turned on water flows through the hose. When there's an obstruction or a kink in the hose, the water flow is impeded or pinched off, therefore you have a resisted flow.

How can you tell if what you're creating or intending is flowing to you? By your inner state of flow.
You've made an intention or launched a desire to the Universe and if you don't resist your desire, it's on its way to you. If you wonder what's taking so long, take a look at your resistance to having what you want.

"Resistance? Of course I want to get the funding to go to the college of my choice, of course I want to get that great job." All well and good. But if it's been taking months to years to get what you want, be assured that you've got some resistance pinching off your flow.

To better understand the term 'resistance' it's sometimes helpful to look at the opposite definition. Some opposite definitions of the word resistance are flow, harmony, accord, agreement, cooperation. These are the qualities you want to transmit when you're thinking about your desire.
Remember the Universe matches and mirrors back to you whatever vibration you're transmitting. And it's not just on the topic of your desire.

What's the general balance of your emotional state over the course of a day? Do you experience frequent annoyance, aggravation, impatience, grouchiness, boredom, intolerance? Are you stressed and rushed? These emotional states are hanging around your energy field. The Universe is matching and mirroring back to you reasons to experience more of the same.

Get the clean up committee on the job by practicing better feeling thoughts. Find more reasons to compliment and appreciate. Look around and give thanks for all the wonder and beauty that surrounds you. Appreciation is one of the fastest vibration raisers. Now you're back in the unresisted attraction mode. Clean up your vibration by noticing what you're transmitting and consciously choose to transmit at a higher vibration. The Universe will match that and you'll have a much more enjoyable life experience.

Nanette Geiger is a relationship coach and author of many books and articles focusing on Relationships, the Law of Attraction and Self-Mastery. You can find more helpful articles on the Resource Page and books on the publications page of her website at

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