The purpose of my blog is to inspire,inform and guide you into improving your life and happiness.Our main goal in life is simply to be happy..and yet it eludes most of us.
True joy is inside all of us at all times and yet we look for it outside of us,in material possesions,in other people.The Law of Attraction teaches us how to feel our joy and follow our bliss and when we do that we attract all the good things that we desire.The happiness must come first,allow yourself to feel it.!

Personal Development goes hand in hand with The Law Of Attraction so I will include some articles on that also.What we think affects our feelings,which affects our actions and also affects what we attract into our lives,if we feel good we think good thoughts,make good decisions,take good actions and attract good people.If we feel bad its the opposite,have you ever noticed if you wake up in a bad mood your day goes wrong?
'The Secret'is the most famous teacher of the Law Of Attraction,it truly is a wonderful book and film and it has changed my whole outlook on life.I hope you can make time to watch the video below and start on your own journey to inner joy and peace.

The Secret-A Glimpse!

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Feel Great and Lose Weight!

Diets are depressing.This article is named Feel Great And Lose Weight because it really needs to be that way around.If you feel great then losing weight is merely an added bonus that happens when you are not looking.
How many people at this time of year become OBSESSED with losing weight?  Thousands!In actual fact they want to feel great and they think that losing weight will do that, but that’s not necessarily true.Diets are depressing.  Diets make you obsess about food and about scales.  When you tell yourself you can’t have something, you can’t eat that you can’t do that, can’t have that you are depriving yourself of things that give you pleasure, that’s not going to make you feel good is it?  As a result it is on our minds every minute of the day, which makes it even more painful as you want it even more!  We ALL want something when we are told we can’t have it. At the same time we feel like a failure and the months stretch before us, torturing us with the misery of being forbidden the thing that we love-food.  Food is not our enemy, it keeps us alive !  It gives us energy.  The wrong food can make us feel tired and down if we eat too much of it,  that’s not healthy.
So this year, instead of torturing yourself with a diet that  will be short lived and make you feel like a failure why not make a commitment to making yourself feel great instead? And then see the weight fall off!  After all,you want to lose weight to make you feel good so why not feel good anyway?
When we eat healthily we feel great.  Eating healthily doesn’t mean that you are forbidden from eating anything.  It means you eat as much as you need (no more) and you eat foods that are going to benefit your body 80% of the time.  If you feel like having a piece of cake that’s ok!  It isn’t wrong to eat!  But just have one piece of cake, or one bar of chocolate and don’t feel guilty!  Slim people eat cake, and chocolate, they do!  I know, I’ve seen them!
Ask yourself this, what do you really want?
Do you want to be healthy, full of energy, feeling great about yourself?
Or do you want to feel obsessed,depressed and deprived of food you love and probably gaining weight instead of losing it?
Write down how you want to feel.
Did you choose the first option? Ok, good.  Then take a look at my suggestions for you.  Choose which ones you want to do and practice them everyday.  The more you do the better you feel, be committed.  This is a way of life, not a diet.  Your goal is to feel great!
1. Drink 8 glasses of water every day.I   know, you knew this one but it is so important.  Sometimes we eat because we think we are hungry but we are actually thirsty.  This coupled with the fact that fat cells become harder to break down  when we are dehydrated shows how much harder it is to lose weight when we don’t drink enough.  Two reasons we will lose weight easier if we drink lots of water and we feel better too.
Water also flushes toxins out of our body,can cure tension headaches,ease fatigue and clear our skin.
2.  Always,always eat breakfast.Get your metabolism working, you don’t need a lot for breakfast but you do need something.  You will have more energy and burn more calories when your metabolism speeds up.  If you feel more tired after breakfast change what you are eating.  You want to eat foods that make you feel good.
3.  Positive self talk. You are hereby banned from saying anything negative to yourself.  Think about it, what do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror?
Fat?  Disgusting?  Yuk?
You seriously need to change that.  Would you talk to your friend like that?  Or even someone you don’t really like that much?  Then don’t do it to yourself, it’s cruel and hurtful and you deserve better.
Your subconscious mind hears that and believes it.  And it does as its told .It is your subconscious that controls your actions.  If you tell it you are fat it will make you do all the actions to reinforce that because that’s what it thinks you want..You will eat.
Tell yourself, I am beautiful.  I love me just the way I am.  I know it will sound strange and difficult at first but you must start to see yourself in a different light.  Maybe more how the people who love you see you.
Pick out you best features and focus on them.
4. Your thoughts control your feelings.  If you feel sad then its because you are thinking negatively.  What are you focusing on? Change it to something positive, that makes you happy.T  he one thing in your life you CAN control and only you is your thoughts, and seeing as you thoughts control your feelings chose to feel great!
5. Set a goal.  Make it a positive.  Not about losing weight but getting into a size whatever it is.  Don’t make you goal to huge,i t has to be believable for you.  Maybe two dress sizes at a time.  Remember this is about feeling great,imagine yourself in that size…If you focus on losing something that’s a negative.  Or make a goal about work,or finances to boost your self esteem.
6.  Exercise.
Exercise release endorphins and can really make you feel great.  Even just 20 minutes can uplift you and make you feel good about yourself.
7. Smile.
Smile at everyone you come into contact with.  Give compliments and spread kind words and thoughts.  Making other peoples’ day make you feel great!  It has a knock on effect and reduces your stress.  Smiling releases endorphins, reduces blood pressure and can improve your immune system.  It lakes you feel happier!
8.  Don’t fret about little things.  Do they matter really?  Comfort eating is a major cause of obesity.  We all know it is our state of mind (our thoughts and feelings) that prompt us to comfort eat.  Does is not therefore make sense to change the way we feel first? (We don’t comfort eat when we are happy do we?)
So go through your day focusing on all that is positive and good.  Feel joy and gratitude for all that you have.  If someone drives badly let it go over your head, if you partners driving you crazy go have a bubble bath or do something nice for yourself.  Choose to be calm, not stressed.
9. Eat foods which give you energy.
Green leafy vegetables, nuts, yoghurt, eggs, oranges, beans, lentils, dried fruit and seeds.
10.  Eat good fats.  You need to eat fat to burn fat.  Eat oily fish, nuts, seeds and avocados.  Don’t eat to much oily fish if pregnant.  Eat sunflower,rapeseed and olive oils. These fats will help you feel wonderful. These fats will help you feel great and lose weight!
11.  Accept a compliment. If someone pays you a compliment say thankyou and believe it.  They didn’t have to say it, allow yourself to feel good about it.
12. See yourself as a success not a failure.  Take up Yoga, Pilate’s or Meditation.  Any if these activities can help you feel fabulous.  Go to a class with a friend, have fun.
Remember, do all that you can to truly feel great and the weight will go, just focus on the feeling and forget about the weight.



  1. Hi Jane, this is a wonderful article. So often people make the mistake of thinking that diet and exercise is all there is to weight loss. You have perfectly described what weight loss is really all about and that is loving oneself. Thanks for these great words of wisdom.

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